We were excited when we finished the last edit of our first eBook and found a professional editor to polish it up. Then we sat down and made a list of what we needed to do to make Bobbie Pharaoh and the Mark of Kane available for our readers. When it tallied forty-one more things to accomplish, we decided to make this week’s post about the reason we are doing this in the first place in order to keep our spirits up.
As we’ve indicated previously, Lynn is devoted to Poway High School. She is particularly dedicated to the Student Services department she created. This office is dedicated to the mental and physical health of the young people who attend PHS. They provide mentoring, tutoring, tobacco cessation and drug prevention education, support groups, grief counseling, leadership training, and conflict mediations. Lynn provides doctor’s hours for a teacher’s wage (one time we calculated her hourly rate and it was depressing). Her pride and joy are the Peer Counselors she supervises. From all walks of life, Lynn’s eighty-eight student-angels offer guidance in a language young people understand and are trained to realize when the problems are just too great for the student to get through it without a caring adult. They are truly an amazing group of kids.
Like everything these days, Student Services is chronically short of funds. Inspired by a truly creative money raiser the year before, Night at the Opera, Lynn and Evans wanted to do something fun and challenging to help fill the Student Service’s coffers. Since they were already collaborating on writing novels, they decided to push their other efforts into the background and develop a young adult adventure that her kids could promote for the office where their hearts lie.
We finally have a story we’re proud of and now there are only forty-one more steps to complete before you can help us help the office that helps the kids.
While we have your attention, this year’s Night at the Opera is on Saturday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m.in the Poway Performing Arts Center. It is directed by Ruth Lopez-Yanez, a parent of two PCs and an opera teacher at Palomar and Grossmont Colleges. Ruth has lined up two professional opera singers, two Palomar chorale groups, a brass band from UCLA, and the PHS principal, Scott Fisher (for comic relief). We’d love it if you could come! Tickets are $50 for gold donors (includes a reception with the artists), $20 for adults, or $10 for students. If you can’t make it but would like to donate, we have a donor who will match your contribution! Contact Traci at tbarkerb@powayusd.com for more information.
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